
The Benefits of Aromatherapy

Natural essential oils produce powerful aromas that affect your mood and well-being. This is a quick guide on how to achieve your desired mood such as calm, stress relief, or a higher self-esteem, and relieve any unwanted feelings such as anxiety, sadness or fatigue.  The healing properties of aromatherapy are believed to cure many things, anywhere from respiratory problems to depression. Find your perfect cure and relaxation agent in one of these essential oils. Each of these oils can be utilized in a massage to enhance your relaxation and boost your senses.

- an effective agent against respiratory diseases
- enhances concentration.
- an antiseptic
- suppresses muscle spasms
- a decongestant
- a diuretic 
- a stimulant. 
- has cooling properties
- helps fight migraines and fevers
- the cooling capability also helps with muscle aches and pains.

Caution: Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid using Eucalyptus, as should individuals who suffer from epilepsy. Ingested in large doses can be fatal. 

LAVENDER : the name stems from the Latin word "lavera", meaning "to wash".
- an effective stress-relieving oil 
- a healing aid against colds, flu and migraine.
- a few drops added to a diffuser or your pillow before bedtime adds in good   

   night’s sleep
- an antiseptic
- antidepressant
- anti-inflammatory decongestant
- deodorant
- diuretic 
- sedative. 

- enhances the libido
- adds in easing depression
- helps to subside pain during childbirth
- relieves respiratory problems
- helps to alleviate addiction issues
- reduces tension and stress

Caution: Overall, Jasmine is a fairly safe essential oil as it’s non-toxic. It can cause an allergic reaction, however. Pregnant women should avoid Jasmine. 

SANDALWOOD : an evergreen, Sandalwood is easily recognized by its woody fragrance. 
- helps to alleviate chest pain
- a relaxing agent for tension relief
- many practitioners of yoga use Sandalwood for its calming and sexual   
- a hydration aid for the skin
- an anti-inflammatory.

PEPPERMINT : is a perennial herb that boasts natural energy-boosting properties. 
- a cooling agent that enhances mood
- sharpens your focus
- combats irritation and redness
- alleviates symptoms of congestion
- aids in digestion

Caution: Although non-toxic, the menthol component in Peppermint can bother some individuals. It is also a skin irritant and should be kept away from the eyes. Keep away from small children and do not use while pregnant. 

CHAMOMILE : There are two types of Chamomile plants, the Roman Chamomile and German Chamomile each contain slightly different healing properties. 
- is a powerful calming agent
- an antibiotic
- an antiseptic
- an antidepressant and overall mood lifter
- can help to eliminate acne
- the Roman variety of Chamomile can also be used in mouthwash as an 
- the German variety is often better suited to battle inflammation, specifically 
  urinary tract   
  and digestive inflammation

Caution: Avoid during pregnancy and if allergies to Ragweed are present. 

PATCHOULI : comes from the plant Pogostemon cablin and actually has powerful skincare properties. 
- alleviates depression and anxiety when a few drops are applied to bath water 
  or humidifier
- blend with massage lotion to combat skin infections and to facilitate healing 
  of wounds
- helps to relieve anxiety, depression, fatigue
- helps to curb addiction
- reduces cellulite and bloating.

Caution: Although non-toxic, it’s best to use Patchouli in small doses given its strength. 

ROSEMARY : Rosemary oil is a wonderful mental stimulant; it gives a natural lift and memory booster. 
-  enhances memory, focus and overall brain performance
-  relieves congestion and sinusitis issues
-  helps stiff, aching muscles and arthritis
-  alleviates liver and gallbladder congestion and digestive disorders
-  rosemary oil in shampoos are excellent for stimulating hair growth. 
-  soothes cramps, headaches and migraines
-  an antiseptic that helps with digestive and liver infections
-  great for skin issues as well.

Caution: Avoid Rosemary oil if you have been diagnosed with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Pregnant women should also avoid this essential oil. 

TEA TREE : is widely known to boost the immune system and fight infections. 
- it works to heal skin conditions
- helps to heal burns and cuts
- aids as an insecticide
- soothes and treats cold sores
- respiratory conditions
- muscle aches
- the flu
- Athlete’s foot 
- dandruff

Caution: Tea Tree oil is not toxic, but avoid using it internally or around the eyes and nose. It is also not recommended for serious cuts. 

BERGAMOT:  is a citrus-scented essential oil extracted from the Citrus Beragamia tree, a native of Southeast Asia, but can now be found primarily in Italy and the Ivory Coast.
- treats stress, depression and anxiety
- can add in the recovery from anorexia
- helps with a number of infections including skin infections like psoriasis and 
- used to stimulate the liver, digestive system and spleen, and provide an 
  overall lift to      
  those suffering from a general malaise.

Caution: If applied directly to the skin in its pure form, Bergamot can potentially burn the skin – especially in sunlight. It is advised to stay out of the sun when using this oil. 

MARJORAM : one of this essential oil’s therapeutic properties is to calm hyperactivity and relieve anxiety
- helps with digestion issues such as constipation and cramps. 
- in vapor therapy it can ease symptoms of asthma or sinusitis.
- add a few drops in bath water to increase circulation or relieve insomnia
- blend with massage oil to alleviate headaches and tension.  
- aids in anxiety and stress relief   
- combats fatigue and depression
- alleviates respiratory and circulatory issues.                                                                                                                                                               
Caution: Although it is non-toxic, Marjoram is not recommended while pregnant. 

It comes as no surprise that lemon is a favorite essential oil. Lemon is widely appreciated for its “clean” smell,” but has numerous therapeutic qualities as well. 
- improves concentration
- aids in digestion 
- eases symptoms of acne and arthritis.
- helps with everything from skin irritation to digestion to circulation problems
- is a natural immunity booster 
- can even help reduce cellulite
- helps to alleviate headaches and fever 
- is a quick mood enhancer

Caution: While lemon oil isn’t toxic, it can cause allergic reactions such as rash. It’s not wise to use lemon oil in the sun. 

Visit for more extensive information on essential oils and there therapeutic qualities.